Main website for the National Careers Service, there are links to job profiles, CV writing and other careers information.
Extensive bank of short careers videos
Extensive bank of short careers videos
Free personality profile offered by Buzz
Careers information related to science, maths and engineering
A web-site to help match skills and personalities to over 400 job profiles.
Herts Opportunities Portal
Careers in Healthcare
Information for those who would like to go to university, everything you need to know including how and when to apply.
University and degree course research tool. Uses UCAS data but offers different search criteria
Good search tool to learn about different universities
It’s never too early to start looking at universities. This website also has a great open day calendar.
Opportunities to book onto free lectures and demonstrations prior to making your degree course choices
24 leading UK universities which are committed to maintaining the very best research and outstanding teaching and learning
A helpful link outlining broadly the entry requirements to the top 24 Russell Group universities
Information about student finance and loan application procedures
Research gap year opportunities world wide
Apprenticeship vacancy information and advice about job search
Government’s apprenticeship vacancy site Apprenticeship vacancy information and advice about job search
Apprenticeship vacancy information and advice about job search
Apprenticeship vacancy information and advice about job search
Vacancy information
Vacancy information
Database linked to degree and higher apprenticeships
Enormous generic job search site
Vacancies at UK Job Centre
Research gap year opportunities world wide
Research gap year opportunities world wide
Research gap year opportunities world wide
Research gap year opportunities world wide
Gap Year opportunities in North America
Science and technology placements